About ruruHaus
ruruHaus is a space for initiation, a joint laboratory, an experimental field for collaboration. It invites people to find, select, narrate, simulate, articulate, meet, distribute, practice and sustain. It welcomes meeting, finding, selection, distribution, narration, simulation, articulation, practice and sustainment. The ruruHaus forms a network of different collectives and individuals who create space for projects together.

Nicolas Wefers, 2020
The physical space, initiated by documenta fifteen and ruangrupa, is located in the city center of Kassel at Treppenstraße and Friedrichsplatz. The idea of creating a living room for Kassel underlies ruruHaus.

Iswanto Hartono, 2021
ruruHaus is a place for exploring the artistic strategies and curatorial processes of documenta fifteen, an exercise on the method.
The foundation for our togetherness is described in our Community Agreement.

Sebastian Hohmann, 2021
ruruHaus is open daily from 9.30 am to 8.30pm for visitors. Entrance via Obere Königsstraße and via Treppenstraße. Barrier-free access available.
Text: Team of documenta fifteen and kmmn_practice, June 2021